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hpa.spatial (development version)

hpa.spatial 0.2.13

  • remove hideous meta-programming that was handling the recursive calling of map_data_with_correspondence() (now that it’s not used recursively).

  • where possible to use a combination of ASGS correspondence tables (including combining multiple) use these for mapping data across editions/geographies.

  • avoid recursive programming for map_data_with_correspondence() by using new function: .map_data_with_ct()

  • update testing suite to be faster to run and more comprehensive.

hpa.spatial 0.2.12

  • data read from {} is read from a specific commit to ensure (from now on) old versions of hpa.spatial will read the same data as they are expected to (did at the time of analyses).

  • allow user to specify a custom correspondence table to map_data_with_correspondence().

  • add access to recently added Aged Care Planning Region shape files (on {}).

  • only do GHA for R CMD CHECK on Windows.

  • update README.

  • update vignettes.

hpa.spatial 0.2.11

  • Ensure that SA2s can completely map to LHNs (including SA2s with zero pop). Includes an associated change to {} commit.

hpa.spatial 0.2.10

  • update create_child_geo() to assign un-parented mesh blocks to the nearest polygon from parent_geo.

  • update testing snaps after LHN polygon was updated on {}.

  • create vignettes.

hpa.spatial 0.2.9

  • use open-source (MIT) license.

  • bug fix: when creating a correspondence table and there is a complete match between the polygons but all meshblocks data within have populations of zero, allow the match with ratio = 1.

  • bug fix: when using map_data_with_correspondence, avoid bug which converts Date grouping variables to numeric (use of, not cbind).

  • workflow: add github action workflows for checking package (check-standard) and making a github pages website (pkgdown).

  • bug fix: map_data_with_correspondence() would get confused when a vector object is used in combination with .data. Now the vector is attempted to be evaluated and if that errors, it accesses it from .data.

hpa.spatial 0.2.8

  • allow user to get Modified Monash Model data (for SA1, 2016 ed.) using get_polygon(name = "mmm19") or get_mmm19_poly().

  • bug fix: pass value_type appropriately when groups are used in map_data_with_correspondence().

  • feature: let map_data_with_correspondence() take a list of vectors for groups or, when .data is passed, can take a character vector or column names or a vector of symbols.

hpa.spatial 0.2.7

  • allow map_data_with_correspondence() to take from_geo and to_geo rather than only areas and years. (Also requires adding export_fname arg, consistent with changes to get_correspondence_tbl().)

  • allow get_correspondence_tbl() to take from_geo and to_geo rather than only areas and years to get the polygons via get_polygon(). Also allow user to specify an export_fname (file name) to save the correspondence table for these new tables as they can’t be named with make_fname().

hpa.spatial 0.2.6

  • make create_child_geo() which adapts an sf polygon (child_geo) object by splitting polygons which span across multiple polygons within another passed sf polygon object (parent_geo). Can be used to adapt, for example, SA3s that span across multiple LHN’s so that those that cross are split.

  • move datasets that are used to pkg and access them just int he same way that {strayr} reads in data from {absmapsdata}.

  • properly use export_dir from get_polygon().

  • remove all internal data and rely only on data from

hpa.spatial 0.2.5

  • move PHN_CODE to be first col of phn to be consistent with other pkg data.

hpa.spatial 0.2.4

  • use tidy evaluation on quosures to avoid problems with accessing objects passed to hpa.spatial functions that evaluate calls.

  • save and read correspondence tables to save time particularly when a correspondence table that’s being created is being created many times over within map_data_with_correspondence() (say, when groups is being used).

hpa.spatial 0.2.3

hpa.spatial 0.2.2

hpa.spatial 0.2.1

hpa.spatial 0.2.0

hpa.spatial 0.1.1

  • initial release with two main functions: